Monday, January 16, 2012

How the Super-Wealthy Control the Nation By Playing Winner Takes All Politics

Bill Moyers interviews two authors who are telling the nation that democracy is under threat. (Video takes a little extra time to load, but should appear within a minute. You can read the following short message in the meantime.)
Though the wealthy play both sides of our political system, they have to most control for their greediest dreams of the GOP.  Problems tend to get worse for the middle and working class when Republicans gain more power.  And in the current president we are seeing the least corruptible leader in decades.  It would be a mistake to think it's okay to let the other side win in November.  Please make sure to get registered and have all required ID at the ready, and help friends and families get to the polls for primaries, and especially for November's election.

Check the schedule for Moyers and Company. Or go to home at link just previous for all the news from Bill. Program offered by PBS and usually no cable or satellite connection is needed. Bil Moyers is one of the top political analysts of our day.