Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Men Need to Cheat? Oh Really?

At the Huffington Post Vicki Larson asks some questions of Eric Anderson who has written a book on why men cheat based on a small study of undergraduate male students.

Yeah, six score twenty somethings tells him all he needs to know about male cheating. 

And funny how he found that cheating guys are just fine.

But isn't cheating just like other methods of getting something for nothing?  To make a relationship work between two people so it's exciting and rewarding takes a lot of effort.  Within a few years or maybe even months a child may be introduced. Either two adults will have to make an extra effort to keep the little one warm and fed or one of the partners is going to have to take on that task alone, an extra burden when we remember that women are now expected work full time.

I suspect that some men cheat for the same reason that they watch copious amounts of sports, to have something to do while they are ignoring the more difficult side of a mature relationship.

The men I know who have happy families are in there working with their women making sure things work well for the couple and any children they may have.  You can tell how happy their families are, and you can see they don't have time to cheat.  They might even be able to catch a few of their most important sports games.

It is telling that the same men don't want their girlfriends to cheat, though Mr. Anderson makes up a self-serving excuse for that effect, too.   I'd warn any future target of Mr. Anderson's to stay the heck away unless they're okay with a one night stand with the player. 

And the rest of us shouldn't be subjected to his 60s style sexist philosophy.  It's worse than watching the immature car ads that flood football games on TV.

Grow up, Dude!  It's 2012.  Go home to the one you've made a life with and help with the housework.

See Larson's interview with Anderson  on Huffington Post Mobile: Why Men Need To Cheat.